Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Make delicious nutty homemade granola

I am a huge granola fan, but the stuff I could buy in stores was lacking something for me. I don't know if it was freshness or taste or what, but I knew I could make my own and it would be better than any I could buy at any price. And speaking of price, have you seen how much they charge for granola?? I buy my ingredients in bulk and make my own any time I want to. It only takes me a few minutes - literally by the time my oven is pre-heated my pan of homemade nutty granola is ready to go in. No one in my family can resist it and it gives me the mommy warm fuzzies to see my 2 little boys feasting happily on my homemade granola. I think because of this delicious nutty homemade granola my sons have become big fans of healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts, and they will gladly take a handful of almonds from me as a snack if we're between batches of granola!

Here's my recipe, along with a lot of other ideas about how to change up the flavor:


Once you try making granola yourself you will never pay those sky-high prices again!

1 comment:

  1. Just a little edit: I made a batch of granola today and didn't realize I was low on oats. I only had 2 cups left, so I added a cup of steel cut oats and it came out great and extra-crunchy. Don't know if I would make it with all steel cut oats but this worked in a pinch. I also added about a half cup of wheat germ. Can't tell you how good it makes me feel to see my 3 year old, my 6 year old and his friend all fighting over the container of granola! My son's friend had go head home and he asked for a baggie of it to bring with him. :)
